Feature: Track and Filter Raffles

The Plugd app provides a sneaker release calendar and tracks sneaker raffles for you, all in a single app.

Feature Breakdown

Raffle Notifications

New sneaker raffles are added every day, making them hard to keep track of. When you subscribe to a product on the sneaker release calendar or on a specific sneaker page, Plugd will notify you when new raffles are added for that sneaker. You'll never miss another sneaker raffle, increasing your chances of copping.

Raffle Filters

Not all raffles are available where you are located. To help find the most relevant raffles to you, you can filter through raffles by region, country, and by delivery method making it easy to find the most relevant raffles to you.

Plugd Gold Features

All the raffles and entries can get overwhelming, so we built features to help manage them all. Raffle entry tracking and customized raffle filters (coming soon) for Plugd Gold subscribers help you save time while copping the sneakers you're after.

Raffle Entry Tracking

When you view raffles in Plugd on either the raffle list or from a specific product raffle list, you'll see the option to "Mark as done". Marking a raffle as done will display the raffle as "Entered" so you know exactly which raffles you need to complete, and filter out raffles you've already entered (coming soon).

Customized Filter Raffles

🔧 Coming Soon